Telegram has launched its premium version also. Telegram launched its premium version for $4.99/€5.49/INR 469 per month. Users can use and enjoy many new features in this premium version which are not the part of free telegram app.
Users who want to use the premium version of Telegram app will require to download version 8.8 of the app and then from the settings, select the new premium option.
Telegram says this premium version of the telegram will help the development of the free version of the app further. Users will pay for all the new features of the premium version of Telegram and this will help the further development of the free version of Telegram.
Here are all the features of the new Telegram premium app.
No Ads
In some countries, Telegram shows sponsored messages on large and public channels. This helps Telegram to run its telegram operating costs and further grow the app. Now, these ads will not be shown to users of the premium version of the app.
4 GB uploads
You can now upload up to 4 GB of big files on the Telegram but it’s allowed only on the premium version of the telegram. People already use telegram to share big files of up to 2 GB but they face problems in sharing bigger files than 2 GB.
High-quality video files are often shared through the telegram app. Previously they did it after dividing the big files into chunks but now they are allowed to upload up to 4 GB of high-quality video content at once in the premium version of Telegram. 4 GB is enough storage for 4 hours of 1080p video.
Faster downloading speed
Users of the premium version of the Telegram app can download/access everything at the fastest speed possible.
Users can access everything as fast as their networks can keep up. This fast accessing speed can revolutionise the file/data transfer over the internet.
Increased limits
Users of the premium version of the app have increased limits on almost everything.
The following limits have been increased:
-You can follow up to 1000 channels,
-You can create up to 20 chat folders with 200 chats in each folder.
-You can add fourth account in any Telegram app
-You can Pin 10 chats in the main list
-You can save up to 10 favourite stickers
Voice to text
Sometimes when you are in a crowd or you don’t have your earphones near you then you may not want to listen to voice messages. Sometimes it’s just your mood that you don’t want to listen to voice messages but want to know what the voice message is about. In premium Telegram, you can read the voice messages in text format also.
Unique stickers and reactions
Stickers on the Telegram were already cool but now these stickers have become cooler in the premium Telegram. Dozens of stickers have full-screen animations. The collection of these full-screen animated stickers will be updated every month by artists.
Premium users will also be able to react to messages with 10 new emojis.
Premium badges
A special badge appears in the group chats next to users’ names who use Telegram premium. This badge shows that they support Telegram and have access to Premium features.
Animated profile picture
Let everyone see your new profile look. Animated profile pics have domination over other normal profiles because animations get more attention.
Other features in the Telegram Premium app
We have already talked about some cool features in detail which are available in the newly launched Telegram Premium app.
But you have other features also which are not about such as new Chat management features, and premium App icons.